Contact: Kyle Ten Napel, MMDC Transportation/Community Planner
Phone: (320) 235-8504
Kandiyohi County Residents Invited to Provide Input
Survey Responses Will Help to Shape the County’s Updated Trails Plan
February 2023: Kandiyohi County has engaged Mid-Minnesota Development Commission (MMDC) to assist with the development of the next Kandiyohi County Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan. This plan will guide the County trail development, including decisions on where to dedicate time and money resources, for the coming 10-plus years. The plan will also provide the documentation needed to be competitive for various trail-focused grants and other funding.
For this plan to be effective, significant public input is required! Kandiyohi County residents, ages 14 and up, are asked to participate in the Kandiyohi County Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan survey, which can be found at: Paper copies may also be provided by request.
Those with questions about Kandiyohi County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan or the planning process are encouraged to reach out to MMDC Transportation/Community Planner Kyle Ten Napel at [email protected] or (320) 235-8504.