MMDC can help you find commercial property for your new or growing business. Some properties qualify for local incentives.
Reach out to the MMDC to let us know what kind of property you are looking for. We are ready to help!
MMDC Economic Development Professionals
Nathan Reuss
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (320) 979-6522
Mike Nicholas
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (612) 251-4502
The following sites are supported by our regional partners. They are provided to help you kick off your commercial or industrial property search.
Kandiyohi County:
Kandiyohi County & City of Willmar EDC
McLeod County:
Hutchinson EDA (Location One Information System)
Hutchinson EDA (Shovel-Ready Sites)
Meeker County:
Renville County:
Renville County Housing and Economic Development
These links are hosted by private for-profit organizations. While MMDC does not endorse or receive payment from these sites, they can provide useful property information: