MMDC’s economic development professionals work hard to help communities attract entrepreneurs and developers. We also work to address the underlying barriers to community growth and strength. For instance, the MMDC is happy to collaborate to tackle housing shortages, childcare gaps, and other challenges.
Whenever possible, we also help communities connect with federal, state, and private grant opportunities that will help them fund their goal achievement. If needed, we can also assist them with the application process.
MMDC staff members are part of initiatives aimed at improving quality of life and increasing resources throughout our four-county region.

Please contact us if you are interested in working with the MMDC to further your project or initiative. Current MMDC initiatives & collaborations include:
Initiative or Collaboration | Focus |
Kandiyohi County Broadband & Advanced Technology Committee | Collaborate and educate to secure broadband services throughout Kandiyohi County |
Kandiyohi, Meeker, and Renville Counties’ Rural Child Care Innovation Projects (RCCIP) | Increasing childcare slots in Kandiyohi, Meeker, and Renville Counties |
Bird Island Chalkboard Collective | Repurposing Bird Island’s former elementary school building |
City of Olivia Economic Development Authority (EDA) | Promoting, preserving, and expanding the economy of Olivia |
Bird Island Cultural Center | Integrate the arts into the community while reflecting the community in the arts and the historic preservation of the Tinnes-Baker House |
Main Street Grocery Initiative | Pursuit of a MN Department of Agriculture grant to give a Buffalo Lake grocer more capacity to offer local, healthy food |
Fabulous Finds Initiative | Pursuit of a MN Department of Agriculture grant to add a commercial kitchen to be used by regional producers |
Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 Leadership Program | Encourage developing community leaders in the Willmar Lakes Area |
Junior Achievement | Promote financial literacy, college and career readiness, and entrepreneurship education to k-12 students |
Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar EDC Agriculture & Renewable Energy Development Committee | Collaborate with farmers and ag-related industries to sustain, identify, and develop agriculture, agribusiness, and renewable energy opportunities |
Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar EDC Business Retention & Expansion/Recruitment Committee | Support business retention/expansion and recruitment throughout Kandiyohi County |
Willmar Bikes Initiative | Promote changes to foster bike-ability throughout the City of Willmar |
Southwest Corridor Transportation Coalition | Encourage commerce and improve safety by supporting improvements to transportation in the southwestern Twin Cities Metropolitan area, with a focus on US Highway 212 and MN State Highway 5 |
Highway 23 Coalition | Encourage commerce and improve safety by supporting improvements along MN State Highway 23 |
Southwest MN Toward Zero Deaths Steering Committee | Reduce traffic fatalities through education, engineering, enforcement, and emergency medical and trauma services |
Minnesota Safe Routes to School Network | Improve pedestrian safety, reduce traffic, and improve air quality for near schools |
Volunteer Driver Coalition | Protect the viability of volunteer driver programs in Minnesota |
Southwest Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership | Provide input into decisions surrounding the use of federal highway funding throughout Southwest Minnesota |
Launch Your Future Today (LYFT) Career Pathways | Rebuild career and technical education (CTE) throughout southwest and west central Minnesota |