Contact: Ben Dolan, MMDC Community Planner
Phone: (320) 262-5850
Spicer Residents and Visitors Invited to Provide Input
Survey Will Help to Shape the City’s New Comprehensive Plan & Direction
August 2022: The City of Spicer is working with Mid-Minnesota Development Commission (MMDC) to develop a new comprehensive plan. This plan will guide the City’s decisions, including decisions on where to dedicate time and money resources, for the coming 10 to 20 years.
Those who reside in Spicer or visit the Spicer community for any reason (school, work, etc.) are encouraged to participate in the Spicer Community Survey, which can be found at: Paper copies may also be obtained at Spicer’s city offices. Results from this survey will be used to help shape plan development.
“A comprehensive plan provides a roadmap for future city development and initiatives”, said MMDC Community Planner Ben Dolan. “This particular survey gives the entire community a chance to tell Spicer’s current and future leaders how they’d like to see Spicer develop. We’re really hoping that everyone will take the survey to share their ideas! Spicer has some terrific qualities and we want to know how folks would like to make the City even better!”
Those with questions about Spicer’s Comprehensive Plan or the planning process are encouraged to reach out to Dolan at or (320) 262-5850.