MMDC History
In the late 1960s the Minnesota state legislature recognized that challenges of growth and development transcend local government boundaries. They found that solutions to local problems could be realized by pooling resources through intergovernmental cooperation. To help local units of government work together, the Legislature enacted the Regional Development Act of 1969. As a result, Regional Development Commissions (RDCs) were formed and now provide strong, regional leadership. The Minnesota Legislature has updated the Act since that time including major revisions in 1997. There are nine active RDCs in Greater Minnesota. Each region is governed primarily by a board of local elected officials, but the boards also include participation of private sector and local interest groups.

Mid-Minnesota Development Commission is the designated RDC for the four Minnesota counties of Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker and Renville. Originally known as the Six-East Regional Development Commission, due to our location in Minnesota’s Economic Development Region 6E, we have served in this capacity since May 16, 1974. Our mission is to “administer state and federal programs, coordinate multi-jurisdictional activities, and provide technical assistance to government, business, and local organizations to maintain or enhance the quality of life.
The MMDC is considered a political subdivision and, as such, we are guided by a board of commissioners. While most of our commissioners are elected officials from counties, cities, townships, and school districts, some represent critical special interests including but not limited to aging individuals and workforce development. The MMDC is funded through federal and state grants, technical assistance contracts. Local tax levies provide additional funding. These dollars are used to leverage grant dollars and provide us the opportunity to hold the cost of our technical assistance services down for our stakeholders. We also pursue foundation and other grant funding when this strategy will bring additional value to our communities.
The Mid-Minnesota Development Commission is privileged and honored to serve our region’s residents.