Funds Will Support Economic Development Activities Throughout the Four-County Region
The Mid-Minnesota Development Commission (MMDC) will receive Planning Grant funds, totaling $210,000, from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration. These funds will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, with the MMDC’s non-federal funds and will be used to coordinate and implement economic development activities throughout the four counties of Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, and Renville over a three-year period.
Grant-supported work will be led by MMDC Economic Development Director Les Nelson. He will coordinate and partner with other local economic development organizations to leverage investments in the private sector. Nelson’s project-related work will also include trend analysis and outreach to additional stakeholders (counties, cities, etc.). “Ultimately, the goal of the project is to support our region’s ability to provide the infrastructure and workforce needed to attract private investment and promote the creation and expansion of good-paying jobs”, said Nelson.
Those interested in learning more about the EDA Planning Grant or its activities are encouraged to contact Nelson directly at [email protected].