As residents of this great region, we must also accept certain responsibilities. It is important to be informed on local, state, and national issues. Those who are eligible should not only vote but vote thoughtfully. Take the opportunity to understand each candidate’s platform. If you have the opportunity, visit with your local candidates to see how their values and vision match with your own.
Never use a single third-party source of information (any one media outlet, website, etc.) to make your voting decisions. While many news outlets are quite legitimate and adhere to a code of ethics, others often skew facts to support their own agendas. It’s important to understand this and to give all reports, especially reports that seem unusual, extreme, or uncharacteristic, an appropriate amount of scrutiny.
It is impossible to be a good voter without being an informed voter.

This short video that provides tips on how to identify "fake" news
Register to Vote
If you’re not eligible to vote because of age or status, you can and should still participate in the American political process! You can easily share information on issues that you care about and candidates you support with your personal networks. You can also volunteer to help others get to the polls!